2010年9月24日 星期五

Enses, including legal fees. YOU AGREE THAT YOU HAVE NO REMED

Was sent out of the Victory into Commissioner
GREY'S yacht, which was hauled alongside for that purpose. In this
vessel the revered Remains were conveyed to Greenwich Hospital;
attended by the Reverend Doctor SCOTT, and Messrs. TYSON and WHITBY.
LORD NELSON had often talked with Captain HARDY on the subject of his
being killed in battle, which appeared
indeed to be a favourite topic of conversation
with him. He was
always prepared to lay down his life in the service of his Country; and
whenever it should
please Providence to remove

him from this world, it was the most ambitious wish of his soul to die
in the fight, and in the very hour of a great and signal victory. In
this he was gratified: his end was glorious;

and he died as he had lived, one of the greatest among men. The
following Prayer, found in
HIS LORDSHIP'S memorandum-book,--and
with his own hand on the night of his leaving Merton, at one of the
places where

he changed horses (supposed
to be Guildford)
on his way to join the Victory at Portsmouth,--is
highly illustrative of those senti
